pISSN 0705-3797 eISSN 2586-1298
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Episodes 2024; 47(1): 23-33

Published online March 1, 2024


Copyright © International Union of Geological Sciences.

On delineating basement architecture of Eastern Yilgarn Craton using image manipulation techniques on potential field anomalies

Indrajit G. Roy

Spaceage Geoconsulting, 5 Bick Place, Banks, ACT 2906, Australia

Correspondence to:E-mail: spaceage.geocon@gmail.com

Received: October 25, 2022; Revised: April 22, 2023; Accepted: April 22, 2023

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Episodes of tectonic activities since Archaean time in one of the oldest craton, the eastern Yilgarn Craton of Western Australia, have left a complex pattern in the architectural settings. Insights of the crustal scale architectural settings of the Craton have been made through geophysical data modelling and imaging using high resolution aeromagnetic and Bouguer gravity data. The advanced technique of image processing using pseudocolour composition, hill-shading and the multiple data layers compilation in the hue, saturation and intensity (HSI) space has been used for image based analysis of potential field data. Geophysical methods of anomaly enhancement technique along with the imaging technique are used to delineate several regional and as well as local structures. Multiscale analysis in geophysical data processing with the application of varying upward continuation levels, and also anomaly enhancement techniques using spatial derivatives are used delineating major shear zones and regional scale structures. A suitable data based interpretation of basement architecture of the study area is given.