pISSN 0705-3797 eISSN 2586-1298
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Episodes 2017; 40(2): 120-131

Published online June 1, 2017


Copyright © International Union of Geological Sciences.

Global developments in forensic geology

Rosa Maria Di Maggio1*, Laurance J. Donnelly2, Khudooma Saeed Al Naimi3, Pier Matteo Barone4, Fabio Augusto Da Silva Salvador5, Lorna Dawson6, Roger Dixon7, Rob Fitzpatrick8, Olga Gradusova9, Ekaterina Nesterina9, Marina Peleneva9, Olga Ushacova10, Carlos Martin Molina Gallego11, Duncan Pirrie12, Alastair Ruffell13, Jennifer McKinley13, Gullermo Sagripanti14, Diego Villalba14, Bill Schneck15, Ritsuko Sugita16, Grant Wach17, Ricardo Silva17, Shari Forbes18

1Geoscienze Forensi Italia, Roma, Italia (Formerly Servizio Polizia Scientifica, Italia); Officer for Europe, International Union of Geological Sciences, Initiative on Forensic Geology (IUGS-IFG); *Corresponding author, E-mail: rosamaria.dimaggio@gmail.com
2International Union of Geological Sciences, Initiative on Forensic Geology (IUGS-IFG); Arup, Manchester, UK
3Abu Dhabi Police, UAE
4American Univrsity of Rome, Italy
5Brazilian Federal Police, Braszilia, Brazil
6The James Hutton Institute, Scotland
7University or Pretoria, South Africa
8CSIRO & University of Adelaide, Australia
9Russian Federal Centre of Forensic Science, Moscow, Russia
10Federal Budget Institution Southern Regional Centre, Russia
11Instituto Nacional de Medicina Legal y Ciencias Forense, Bogota, Colombia
12Helford Geoscience LLP, Cornwall, UK
13Queens University Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK
14Departamento de Geologia, Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina
15Washington State Patrol Crime Lab, USA
16National Research Institute of Police Science, Japan
17Basin and Reservoir Lab, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
18University of Technology, Sydney, Australia

Correspondence to:*E-mail: rosamaria.dimaggio@gmail.com

Received: November 11, 2016; Revised: March 4, 2017; Accepted: March 4, 2017

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Forensic geology has developed in each country dependent on the history, political and social setting, anthropological influences and geology. The aim of this section is to provide a global overview of forensic geology, including the history, developments and future challenges in Africa, Asia, Australia, Canada, Europe, Middle East, Latin America and the Caribbean, Russia and Commonwealth Independent States (CIS), and USA.