Mike Walker1*, Martin J. Head2, Max Berkelhammer3, Svante Björck4, Hai Cheng5, Les Cwynar6, David Fisher7, Vasilios Gkinis8, Antony Long9, John Lowe10, Rewi Newnham11, Sune Olander Rasmussen8, Harvey Weiss12
Episodes 2018; 41(4): 213-223
Maria Bianca Cita1, Luca Capraro2, Neri Ciaranfi3, Enrico Di Stefano4, Fabrizio Lirer5, Patrizia Maiorano3, Maria Marino3, Isabella Raffi6, Domenico Rio2, Rodolfo Sprovieri4, Simona Stefanelli3, Gian Battista Vai7
Episodes 2008; 31(4): 408-419
Philip Gibbard1, Kim M. Cohen2
Episodes 2008; 31(2): 243-247
James G. Ogg1, Brad Pillans2
Episodes 2008; 31(2): 230-233
Kenitiro Suguio1,2, Alethéa Ernandes Martins Sallun2, Emílio A. A. Soares2,3
Episodes 2005; 28(3): 197-200
P.D. Hughes1, P.L. Gibbard2, J.C. Woodward1
Episodes 2005; 28(2): 85-92
Prof. Dr. Sung Keun Lee
If you have any questions,
Please contact Managing Editor
Proposals for SPECIAL ISSUES will be considered if these are agreed with the potential GUEST-editors at least 1 year in advance OF ITS PUBLICATION, IF APPROVED. These must fit within about 75 printed pages (6-8 papers). Contributors must secure funds to support any expanded issue. No guest editor can author or co-author more than one paper in their special issue.
In the proposal, special issue’s title, list of potential articles, outline for each of them, authors and their affiliations, a clear motivation and goals of the proposal, and submission and review time plan should be included. PROCEEDINGS OR CONTRIBUTIONS COMING STRAIGHT FROM A MEETING OR CONFERENCE WILL not be published in Episodes. A special issue should focus on single geologic theme. There should be cohesion or focus to the issue. All each paper should be of broad international interest.
Acceptance or rejection of the proposal entirely depends on evaluation by IUGS Publication Committee. The proposal should be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief of Episodes for being evaluated.
Marian Selorm Sapah, Daniel Kwadwo Asiedu, Yvonne Sena Akosua Loh
2024; 47(1): 1-9
Laura I. González-León, Carles Canet, Elizabeth Lozada-Amador, Ilia Alvarado-Sizzo, Francisco O. Lagarda-García, Miguel Á. Cruz-Pérez, Eduardo García-Alonso, Juan Carlos Mora-Chaparro, Pedro S. Urquijo Torres, Erika Salgado-Martínez
2024; 47(1): 109-119
Jan Zalasiewicz, Martin J. Head , Colin N. Waters, Simon D. Turner, Peter K. Haff , Colin Summerhayes, Mark Williams, Alejandro Cearreta, Michael Wagreich, Ian Fairchild , Neil L. Rose, Yoshiki Saito, Reinhold Leinfelder, Barbara Fiałkiewicz-Kozieł, Zhisheng An, Jaia Syvitski, Agnieszka Gałuszka, Francine M. G. McCarthy, Juliana Ivar do Sul, Anthony Barnosky, Andrew B. Cundy, J. R. McNeill, Jens Zinke
2024; 47(1): 65-83
Marian Selorm Sapah, Daniel Kwadwo Asiedu, Yvonne Sena Akosua Loh
2024; 47(1): 1-9