Cited by CrossRef (11)
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- Rodolfo Coccioni, Fabrizio Frontalini. Cretaceous planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Umbria–Marche Basin (Central Italy). SP 2025;545

- Paula Granero, Adam Wierzbicki, Michael Wagreich. Lower Campanian calcareous nannofossils: Morphometry and palaeoenvironmental implications of the Aspidolithus group (Rhenodanubian Flysch Zone, Austria). Cretaceous Research 2024;163:105954

- E. Yu. Baraboshkin, A. Yu. Guzhikov, G. N. Aleksandrova, V. V. Akinin, I. P. Ryabov, M. A. Ustinova, N. A. Rtischev, V. S. Vishnevskaya. Reference Section of the Сampanian Stage of the Southwestern Crimea: Problems of Substage Subdivision and Global Correlation. Stratigrafiâ. Geologičeskaâ korrelâciâ 2024;32:48

- James W. Haggart, Ioan I. Bucur, Raymond Graham, Graham Beard. An unusual biofacies in a rocky shoreline succession of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada: first record of Late Cretaceous coralline algae from the northeast Pacific region. Cretaceous Research 2024:106008

- Elliott Armour Smith, F. Robin O’Keefe.
Occurrence of
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- A. Yu. Guzhikov, E. Yu. Baraboshkin, I. P. Ryabov, M. A. Ustinova, V. S. Vishnevskaya. Anomalous Features in the Behavior of the Geomagnetic Field at the End of the Cretaceous Normal Superchron: Insights from the Study of the Turonian–Santonian in the Southwestern Crimea. Izv., Phys. Solid Earth 2024;60:8

- Else Marie Friis, Peter R. Crane, Kaj Raunsgaard Pedersen. The Cretaceous diversification of angiosperms: perspectives from mesofossils. SP 2025;544

- Gregory D. Price, Bryan Low Kai Sheng. Tracking palaeotemperatures in Coniacian–Maastrichtian seas. Cretaceous Research 2025;165:105984

- E. Yu. Baraboshkin, A. Yu. Guzhikov, G. N. Aleksandrova, V. V. Akinin, I. P. Ryabov, M. A. Ustinova, N. A. Rtischev, V. S. Vishnevskaya. Reference Section of the Campanian Stage of the Southwestern Crimea: Problems of Substage Subdivision and Global Correlation. Stratigr. Geol. Correl. 2024;32:89