International Union of Geological Sciences

Cited by CrossRef (6)

  1. Lucie Kubalíková, Paola Coratza. Reflections of geodiversity–culture relationships within the concept of abiotic ecosystem services. SP 2023;530:49
  2. John P. Craddock, David H. Malone, Ryan Porter, John Compton, John Luczaj, Alex Konstantinou, James E. Day, Stephen T. Johnston. Paleozoic reactivation structures in the Appalachian-Ouachita-Marathon foreland: Far-field deformation across Pangea. Earth-Science Reviews 2018;181:153
  3. Rafael Navarro, Javier Martínez-Martínez, Jorge Fernández Suárez, Enrique Álvarez-Areces, Jose Manuel Baltuille. Comparative analysis of the current uneven situation of historical quarries associated with the UNESCO world heritage sites in Spain. Resources Policy 2022;75:102471
  4. Gurmeet Kaur, Parminder Kaur, Anuvinder Ahuja, Amritpaul Singh, Jaspreet Saini, Pradeep Agarwal, Om N. Bhargava, Manoj Pandit, Rakesh Giri Goswami, Kireet Acharya, Sanchit Garg. Jaisalmer Golden Limestone: A Heritage Stone Resource from the Desert of Western India. Geoheritage 2020;12
  5. Eliane Aparecida Del Lama, Antônio Gilberto Costa. Global Heritage Stones in Brazil. Geoheritage 2022;14
  6. Joseph T. Hannibal. Berea sandstone: A heritage stone of international significance from Ohio, USA. SP 2020;486:177