International Union of Geological Sciences

Cited by CrossRef (58)

  1. Jean-Louis Latil, Etienne Jaillard. Taxonomy, phylogeny and biostratigraphy of the upper Aptian–lower Albian ammonites of the Chott area, southern Central Tunisia. Cretaceous Research 2024;154:105731
  2. Xiangdong Zhao, Daran Zheng, He Wang, Yanan Fang, Naihua Xue, Haichun Zhang. Carbon cycle perturbation and mercury anomalies in terrestrial Oceanic Anoxic Event 1b from Jiuquan Basin, NW China. SP 2022;521:185
  3. Rodolfo Coccioni, Fabrizio Frontalini. Cretaceous planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Umbria–Marche Basin (Central Italy). SP 2025;545
  4. Guillaume Charbonnier, Slah Boulila, Jorge E. Spangenberg, Jean Vermeulen, Bruno Galbrun. Astrochronology of the Aptian stage and evidence for the chaotic orbital motion of Mercury. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 2023;610:118104
  5. Jens Lehmann, Abdolmajid Mosavinia, Markus Wilmsen. Parahoplitid ammonites and narrowing down the Aptian/Albian boundary interval in northern Iran. Cretaceous Research 2019;94:207
  6. R.J. Campbell, N.R. Liefhebber-Bonis, J. Eldrett, M.D. Jakeman. Geologic Problem Solving with Microfossils IV. 2019.
  7. Timothy Topper, Marissa J. Betts, Dorj Dorjnamjaa, Guoxiang Li, Luoyang Li, Gundsambuu Altanshagai, Batkhuyag Enkhbaatar, Christian B. Skovsted. Locating the BACE of the Cambrian: Bayan Gol in southwestern Mongolia and global correlation of the Ediacaran–Cambrian boundary. Earth-Science Reviews 2022;229:104017
  8. B.T. Huber, R.W. Hobbs, K.A. Bogus, S.J. Batenburg, H.J. Brumsack, R. do Monte Guerra, K.M. Edgar, T. Edvardsen, M.L. Garcia Tejada, D.L. Harry, T. Hasegawa, S.J. Haynes, T. Jiang, M.M. Jones, J. Kuroda, E.Y. Lee, Y.X. Li, K.G. MacLeod, A. Maritati, M. Martinez, L.K. O’Connor, M.R. Petrizzo, T.M. Quan, C. Richter, L. Riquier, G.T. Tagliaro, C.C. Wainman, D.K. Watkins, L.T. White, E. Wolfgring, Z. Xu. Volume 369: Australia Cretaceous Climate and Tectonics. 2022.
  9. André Bornemann, Jochen Erbacher, Martin Blumenberg, Silke Voigt. A first high-resolution carbon isotope stratigraphy from the Boreal (NW Germany) for the Berriasian to Coniacian interval—implications for the timing of the Aptian–Albian boundary. Front. Earth Sci. 2023;11
  10. Javad Sharifi, Mohammad Vahidinia, Atsushi Ando, Mohamad Hosein Mahmudy-Gharaie. New biostratigraphic observations of planktonic foraminifera and ammonites on the Aptian–Albian intrashelf succession, Zagros Basin, SW Iran. Cretaceous Research 2021;128:104996
  11. Seyed Naser Raisossadat, Jean-Louis Latil, Hayat Hamdani, Etienne Jaillard, Hassan Amiribakhtiar. The Kazhdumi Formation (Lower Cretaceous, upper Aptian–upper Albian) in the Zagros Basin, Iran. Cretaceous Research 2021;127:104920
  12. Gerson Fauth, Guilherme Krahl, Karlos Guilherme Diemer Kochhann, Marlone Heliara Hünnig Bom, Simone Baecker-Fauth, Mauro Daniel Rodrigues Bruno, Rodrigo do Monte Guerra, Daiane Ceolin, Alessandra da Silva dos Santos, Jorge Villegas-Martin, Oscar Strohschoen, Jairo Francisco Savian, Carolina Gonçalves Leandro, Raquel Gewehr de Mello, Francisco Henrique de Oliveira Lima. Astronomical calibration of the latest Aptian to middle Albian in the South Atlantic Ocean. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 2022;602:111175
  13. Meriem Hichi, Nejla Sekatni-Aich, Mohamed Gharbi, Mohamed Ben Youssef. Lithology and planktic foraminifera biostratigraphy of Aptian–Albian boundary as encountered in Jebel Sidi Salem (northeastern Tunisia). Revue de Micropaléontologie 2020;68:100445
  14. Paul Dodsworth, Roderick D. Black. Two areoligeracean dinoflagellate cysts from the Carstone Formation (Lower Cretaceous) at Middlegate Quarry, North Lincolnshire, UK. PYGS 2024;65
  15. Juliana Guzmán, Enelise Katia Piovesan, Robbyson Mendes Melo, Débora Almeida-Lima, Ariany de Jesus e Sousa, Virgínio Henrique de Miranda Lopes Neumann. Ostracoda and foraminifera biostratigraphy and palaeoenvironmental evolution of the Aptian Santana Group, post-rift of the Araripe Basin, Brazil. Gondwana Research 2023;124:18
  16. Armelle Riboulleau, Melesio Quijada, Alexis Caillaud, François Baudin, Jean-Noël Ferry, Nicolas Tribovillard. Molecular fossils of Aptian–Albian blue marls of the Vocontian Basin (France), depositional conditions and connections to the Tethys Ocean. 2023;355:1
  17. Antonio Enrique Sayão Sanjinés, Marta Claudia Viviers, Denize Santos Costa, Geise de Santana dos Anjos Zerfass, Gerhard Beurlen, Oscar Strohschoen. Planktonic foraminifera from the Aptian section of the Southeastern Brazilian Atlantic margin. Cretaceous Research 2022;134:105141
  18. Jayagopal Madhavaraju, Julio Cesar Saucedo-Samaniego, Yong IL. Lee, Robert W. Scott, Carlos M. González-León, Erik Ramírez-Montoya. Chemostratigraphy of the lower Cretaceous Mural Limestone, Rancho Bufalo section, Sonora, Mexico: Implications for OAE 1b. Marine and Petroleum Geology 2021;123:104734
  19. Roberto Graziano, Arturo Raspini, Antonello Bartiromo. New insights into the palaeoenvironmental–palaeoclimatic significance and sedimentary dynamics of carbonate Lagerstätten: The lower Albian of Pietraroja (Southern Italy). Sedimentology 2024;71:619
  20. Nicté A. Gutiérrez-Puente, Ricardo Barragán, Fernando Núñez-Useche. Paleoenvironmental changes and biotic response to Aptian–Albian episodes of accelerated global change: Evidence from the western margin of the proto-North Atlantic (central-eastern Mexico). Cretaceous Research 2021;126:104883
  21. Rilda C. Araripe, Flávia A. Pedrosa Lemos, Ludmila A.C. do Prado, Maria Emilia T.R. Tomé, David H.D. Oliveira, Priscilla A. Pereira, Luiz Ricardo S.L. Nascimento, Yumi Asakura, Christiano Ng, Marta Claudia Viviers, Alcina F. Barreto. Upper Aptian–lower Albian of the southern-central Araripe Basin, Brazil: Microbiostratigraphic and paleoecological inferences. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 2022;116:103814
  22. R.W. Scott, C.M. González-León, T.F. Lawton, J. Madhavaraju, J.C. Saucedo-Samaniego, J.M.I. Sierra Rojas. Aptian–Albian sequence stratigraphy, biostratigraphy, chemostratigraphy, and chronostratigraphy: Sonoran shelf and Tamaulipas Basin, Mexico. Cretaceous Research 2024;155:105776
  23. Flávia Azevedo Pedrosa Lemos, Yumi Asakura, Rogério Loureiro Antunes, Rilda Verônica Cardoso de Araripe, Ludmila Alves Cadeira do Prado, Maria Emilia Travassos Rio Tomé, David Holanda de Oliveira, Luiz Ricardo Silva Lobo do Nascimento, Christiano Ng, Alcina Magnólia Franca Barreto. Calcareous nannofossils, biostratigraphy, and paleobiogeography of the Aptian/Albian Romualdo Formation in the Araripe Basin, North-Eastern Brazil. Braz. J. Geol. 2023;53
  24. Etienne Jaillard, Abir Chihaoui, Jean-Louis Latil, Ihsen Zghal. Sequences, discontinuities and water stratification in a low-energy ramp: the Early Albian sedimentation in central Tunisia. Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) 2021;110:263
  25. Stéphane Bodin, Mickaël Charpentier, Clemens V. Ullmann, Arka Rudra, Hamed Sanei. Carbon cycle during the late Aptian–early Albian OAE 1b: A focus on the Kilian–Paquier levels interval. Global and Planetary Change 2023;222:104074
  26. Najeh Ben Chaabane, Fares Khemiri, Mohamed Soussi, Jean-Louis Latil, Emmanuel Robert, Ilef Belhajtaher. Aptian-Lower Albian Serdj carbonate platform of the Tunisian Atlas: Development, demise and petroleum implication. Marine and Petroleum Geology 2019;101:566
  27. Javad Sharifi, Mohammad Vahidinia, Atsushi Ando, Mohamad Hosein Mahmudy-Gharaie. New planktonic foraminiferal record across the Aptian–Albian transition in Interior Fars, Zagros Basin, SW Iran: Implication for latest Aptian paleogeography along the southern shallower Neo-Tethys. Geobios 2023;78:49
  28. Dangpeng Xi, Xiaoqiao Wan, Guobiao Li, Gang Li. Cretaceous integrative stratigraphy and timescale of China. Sci. China Earth Sci. 2019;62:256
  29. C. G. Leandro, J. F. Savian, M. V. L. Kochhann, D. R. Franco, R. Coccioni, F. Frontalini, S. Gardin, L. Jovane, M. Figueiredo, L. R. Tedeschi, L. Janikian, R. P. Almeida, R. I. F. Trindade. Astronomical tuning of the Aptian stage and its implications for age recalibrations and paleoclimatic events. Nat Commun 2022;13
  30. Evgenij Baraboshkin. Early Cretaceous palaeogeography of the Russian Platform. SP 2025;545
  31. Roberto Silva, Aristóteles de Moraes Rios-Netto, Silvia Clara Silva, Bruno Valle, Leonardo Borghi, Frances Abbots-Queiroz. Middle Cretaceous calcareous nannofossils from the cored well UFRJ-2-LRJ-01-SE, Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, Brazil: New biostratigraphy and paleobiogeographic inferences. Cretaceous Research 2020;106:104245
  32. Yuri D. Zakharov, Anton B. Kuznetsov, Mikheil V. Kakabadze, Mevlud Z. Sharikadze, Anastasia A. Gavrilova, Aleksei Yu. Kramchaninov. The 87Sr/86Sr record of Early Cretaceous (Barremian–Albian) marine invertebrates: First evidence from the Caucasus - palaeoenvironmental implications. Cretaceous Research 2021;124:104834
  33. John M. McArthur, Richard J. Howarth. Strontium isotope stratigraphy of the Cretaceous. SP 2025;544
  34. Serena Ferraro, Rodolfo Coccioni, Nadia Sabatino, Marianna Del Core, Mario Sprovieri. Morphometric response of late Aptian planktonic foraminiferal communities to environmental changes: A case study of Paraticinella rohri at Poggio le Guaine (central Italy). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 2020;538:109384
  35. Jens Lehmann, H. Mark Bayliss. Additions to the subfamily Acanthohoplitinae from the British Isles, including the first verifiable record of Acanthohoplites (Lower Cretaceous, upper Aptian). Cretaceous Research 2024;162:105921
  36. Stéphane Reboulet, Ottilia Szives, Beatriz Aguirre-Urreta, Ricardo Barragán, Miguel Company, Camille Frau, Mikheil V. Kakabadze, Jaap Klein, Josep A. Moreno-Bedmar, Alexander Lukeneder, Antoine Pictet, Izabela Ploch, Seyed N. Raisossadat, Zdenek Vašíček, Evgenij J. Baraboshkin, Vasily V. Mitta. Report on the 6th International Meeting of the IUGS Lower Cretaceous Ammonite Working Group, the Kilian Group (Vienna, Austria, 20th August 2017). Cretaceous Research 2018;91:100
  37. E. Yu. Baraboshkin, A. Yu. Guzhikov, G. N. Aleksandrova, V. V. Akinin, I. P. Ryabov, M. A. Ustinova, N. A. Rtischev, V. S. Vishnevskaya. Reference Section of the Сampanian Stage of the Southwestern Crimea: Problems of Substage Subdivision and Global Correlation. Stratigrafiâ. Geologičeskaâ korrelâciâ 2024;32:48
  38. Mauro Daniel Rodrigues Bruno, Gerson Fauth, David K. Watkins, Michele Goulart da Silva Caramez, Andressa Nauter-Alves, Jairo Francisco Savian. Paleoceanographic evolution in the South Atlantic Ocean (Kwanza Basin, Angola) during its post-salt foundering. Marine and Petroleum Geology 2022;144:105852
  39. Fatima-Zahra Ait-Itto, Mathieu Martinez, Jean-François Deconinck, Stéphane Bodin. Astronomical calibration of the OAE1b from the Col de Pré-Guittard section (Aptian–Albian), Vocontian Basin, France. Cretaceous Research 2023;150:105618
  40. A.S. Gale, J. Mutterlose, S. Batenburg, F.M. Gradstein, F.P. Agterberg, J.G. Ogg, M.R. Petrizzo. Geologic Time Scale 2020. 2023.
  41. Roderick D. Black, Paul Dodsworth. The palynology of the Kimmeridge Clay and Carstone Formations (Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous) at Middlegate Quarry, North Lincolnshire, UK, and its biostratigraphical and palaeoenvironmental significance. PYGS 2021;63
  42. Nadia Sabatino, Serena Ferraro, Rodolfo Coccioni, Maria Bonsignore, Marianna Del Core, Vincenzo Tancredi, Mario Sprovieri. Mercury anomalies in upper Aptian-lower Albian sediments from the Tethys realm. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 2018;495:163
  43. Peiyue Fang, Hui Luo, Bo Xu, Brian T. Huber, Youhua Zhu, Lin Mu. Planktic foraminifera of the upper Barremian–Aptian black shale intervals from the Chaqiela section (Gamba, southern Tibet): Biostratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental implications. Cretaceous Research 2021;127:104934
  44. Gerson Fauth, Mauro Daniel Rodrigues Bruno, Jorge Villegas-Martín, Jairo Francisco Savian, Rodrigo do Monte Guerra, Guilherme Krahl, Francisco Henrique de Oliveira Lima, Oscar Strohschoen Jr., Raquel Gewehr de Mello, Fernando Marcanth Lopes, Carolina Gonçalves Leandro, Eduardo da Silva Aguiar. Drilling the Aptian–Albian of the Sergipe–Alagoas Basin, Brazil: paleobiogeographic and paleoceanographic studies in the South Atlantic. Sci. Dril. 2021;29:1
  45. Jörg Mutterlose, Bernhard Ohnemus. Reconstructing an early Albian (Cretaceous) marine food web by employing macrofossil δ 13 C carb data . SP 2025;545
  46. Spencer G. Lucas. The GSSP Method of Chronostratigraphy: A Critical Review. Front. Earth Sci. 2018;6
  47. Ottilia Szives, Josep A. Moreno-Bedmar, Beatriz Aguirre-Urreta, Miguel Company, Camille Frau, Mikel López-Horgue, Antoine Pictet, Izabela Ploch, Christian Salazar, Ricardo Barragán, Jean-Louis Latil, Jens Lehmann, Emmanuel Robert, Stéphane Reboulet. Report on the 7th International Meeting of the IUGS Lower Cretaceous Ammonite Working Group, the Kilian Group (Warsaw, Poland, 21st August 2022): State of the art on the current Standard Ammonite Zonation of the Western Tethyan Mediterranean Province. Cretaceous Research 2024;153:105716
  48. J.C. Saucedo-Samaniego, J. Madhavaraju, Alcides N. Sial, R. Monreal, Robert W. Scott, O. Perez-Arvizu. Upper Aptian-lower albian seawater composition and OAEs: Geochemistry of Agua Salada and Lampazos Formations, Sonora, Mexico. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 2021;109:103193
  49. Andy Gale, Bertrand Matrion. Microcrinoids from the lower and middle Albian of the Anglo-Paris Basin (southern England, UK, Seine Maritime, Pas de Calais and Aube, France). Cretaceous Research 2021;127:104902
  50. Fábio Lamm, Francisco Henrique de Oliveira Lima, Cleber Fernandes Alves, Ismar de Souza Carvalho. Calcareous nannofossils from the Poggio le Guaine core (Umbria-Marche Basin, central Italy): Biostratigraphy and discussions on the bioevents of the Aptian–Albian interval. Cretaceous Research 2023;145:105474
  51. E. Yu. Baraboshkin, A. Yu. Guzhikov, G. N. Aleksandrova, V. V. Akinin, I. P. Ryabov, M. A. Ustinova, N. A. Rtischev, V. S. Vishnevskaya. Reference Section of the Campanian Stage of the Southwestern Crimea: Problems of Substage Subdivision and Global Correlation. Stratigr. Geol. Correl. 2024;32:89
  52. E. J. Biebesheimer, M. B. Suarez. Carbon isotope chemostratigraphy of the Yucca Formation from the Solitario, Big Bend Ranch State Park, Texas. Front. Earth Sci. 2024;12
  53. Karlos G. D. Kochhann, Brian T. Huber, Ann E. Holbourn, Wolfgang Kuhnt. Benthic Foraminiferal Response to the Aptian−Albian Carbon Cycle Perturbation in the Atlantic Ocean. 2023;53:214
  54. Brian T. Huber, Kenneth G. MacLeod, David K. Watkins, Millard F. Coffin. The rise and fall of the Cretaceous Hot Greenhouse climate. Global and Planetary Change 2018;167:1
  55. O. Szives, L. Fodor, A. Fogarasi, Sz Kövér. Integrated calcareous nannofossil and ammonite data from the upper Barremian–lower Albian of the northeastern Transdanubian Range (central Hungary): Stratigraphical implications and consequences for dating tectonic events. Cretaceous Research 2018;91:229
  56. M. H. H. Bom, K. G. D. Kochhann, U. Heimhofer, M. A. L. Mota, R. M. Guerra, M. G. Simões, G. Krahl, V. Meirelles, D. Ceolin, F. Fürsich, F. H. O. Lima, G. Fauth, M. L. Assine. Fossil‐Bearing Concretions of the Araripe Basin Accumulated During Oceanic Anoxic Event 1b. Paleoceanog and Paleoclimatol 2023;38
  57. J. Madhavaraju, Yong Il Lee, R.W. Scott, C.M. González-León, H.C. Jenkyns, J.C. Saucedo-Samaniego, S. Ramasamy. High-resolution carbonate isotopic study of the Mural Formation (Cerro Pimas section), Sonora, México: Implications for early Albian oceanic anoxic events. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 2018;82:329
  58. Jean-Paul Saint Martin, Yves Dutour, Luc Ebbo, Camille Frau, Bruno Mazière, Didier Néraudeau, Simona Saint Martin, Thierry Tortosa, Eric Turini, Xavier Valentin, J.-P. Saint Martin, S. Saint Martin. Reassessment of amber-bearing deposits of Provence, southeastern France. BSGF - Earth Sci. Bull. 2021;192:5